Episode 241 debuts on August 5, at 8:00 PM Eastern. Rebroadcasts will take place according to the Crusade Channel programming schedule (note: all times listed are Central time). The topic is A Much Needed Discussion on Vatican II.
Listen now! (Link will activate after the show’s premiere.)
- Bishop Schneider: There is no divine positive will or natural right to the diversity of religions — at lifesitenews.com
- The Root of the Problem — by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò at insidethevatican.com
- Dossier Vatican II, #1: Professor Anthony Esolen — supperⅤPN 下载ios
- Dossier Vatican II, Essay #2: Fr. Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M. Capuchin — at insidethevatican.com
- Prominent Italian theologian [Radaelli] defends Archbishop Viganò’s Vatican II critique: ‘Take off the Dogma and you will unleash the Antichrist’ — at catholicfamilynews.com
- Second Intervention of Prominent Italian Professor [Radaelli] on Vatican II — at catholicfamilynews.com
- The Impossible “Road Map” of Peace with the Lefebvrists — on Radaelli by Sandro Magister at chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it
- False Ecumenism Takes a Formidable Beating — on Radaelli by Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M., at catholicism.org
- Iota Unum: A Study of the Changes in the Catholic Church in the 20th Century — book by Professor Romano Amerio at angeluspress.org

His Grace, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (CNA Photo)
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